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How to Use Inbound Calls as Inspiration to Make Your Website Better

How to Use Inbound Calls as Inspiration to Make Your Website BetterBrick-and-mortar stores have the advantage of greeting their customers in-person. It’s much easier to make a connection and help your customers when they can ask you questions at the moment.

In his recent article, Larry Alton addresses this issue and says that online stores need to counter this advantage by using instructions and supplemental information. This doesn’t mean instructions for each person need to be excessive, and sometimes only a brief overview is good enough.

Where information can be most valuable is providing customers with information that could be valuable prior to purchase. If you sell cleaning supplies, have information available for how you can properly use them or give blogs and advice articles for tips on how to properly clean certain areas of your house.

It’s important to give comparison information so customers can properly determine which products are right for them. In addition, use your supplemental information to infuse humor into your website because humor can help strengthen your customer relationship.

Why do customers call contact centers? Because they need more information. Why do they need more information? That all depends on the specific company’s services and products.

Whatever the reasons, there’s no doubt that your company has received many inbound customer service calls over the years. But if you’re not using the information you learn from these calls to make your website better, you’re missing out on a great opportunity.

If your company is primarily or completely online, you don’t have the luxury of seeing your customers in a face-to-face environment. Your website is the surrogate front-line customer service representative.

People will take your presentation and make assessments quickly, so it’s crucial for you to make a great first impression. The more helpful information you can put on your website, the fewer customers will need to call your company out of frustration.

The voice of your customers is heard daily by your contact center agents. They routinely field inbound calls and know the frequently asked questions and frequently stated feedback.

If you want your brand’s website to serve your customers better by giving them information before they even ask for it, you should compile information from inbound calls and implement it on your website. Numerous company websites have FAQ sections, and that’s a great place to start.

In addition to FAQ pages, you can take the most common topics brought up on calls and use them as inspiration for blog posts and web pages. Your website is the face of your brand, so the more information you can provide customers right away, the better their expectations they’ll be more likely to be happy with your company.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the article, please click here!

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