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5 Technology Trends Businesses Use to Gain a Competitive Edge

The customer experience must be a constant focus for companies from customer intrigue, to point of purchase, to post purchase. In his recent article, Mike Szilagyi gives the following five technology trends businesses use to delight customers and gain a competitive edge.

1) Multimodal Communications: There are many communication channels customers can use now apart from the traditional phone call. Live chat, video chat, social media, and a variety of other communication vehicles create an abundance of possibilities for companies to help their customers. Contact centers can now use multimodal strategies to ensure all of the possible communication channels are utilized to meet your customers wherever they prefer. 

2) Internet of Things: Are you fully connected to the internet? There are a variety of ways companies can put helpful information for customers on the internet, which is an ever-growing resource for people. If you’re not integrating your customer interaction channels with the internet, you may be causing damage to your overall customer experience. Szilagyi recommends using cloud services to properly integrate your customer experience with the internet.

3) Virtual Reality: While virtual reality might not be at the forefront for customer service technology currently, but it very easily could be an important factor within the next 5-10 years. Szilagyi gives the example of the education and travel and hospitality industries, who could utilize virtual reality to show prospective students and customers tours of their schools and vacation locations.

4) Chatbots: This technology can help improve contact center agent productivity by making mundane tasks automatic, such as inquiries regarding store hours. This allows the agents to focus on helping customers with issues that require human empathy while the simple or basic tasks can be handled quickly and efficiently.

5) Microservices: Cloud contact center software can turn applications into independent microservices so they don’t need to rely on each other. This not only keeps them safe if another area has a system failure, but it also allows for constant updating of cloud services.

This blog post is based on an article from MarTech Advisor. To read the original article, please click the link below:

Five Tech Trends Redefining the Customer Experience – Mike Szilagyi

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