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10 Insights Marketing Can Learn From Call Center Analytics

Many companies experience department silos and, at times, it can be difficult to see how each department impacts each other. When it comes to marketing, it can be very helpful to learn from customer service departments, specifically from call center metrics. In her recent article, Amber Tiffany points out that call analytics can give you valuable information about customers, the customer experience, and the effectiveness of your marketing. Call center metrics can reveal fascinating things about your marketing campaigns, including how well your PPC and landing pages are performing. Tiffany’s article gives the following ten insights marketing can learn from call center analytics. 

1) Which Keywords Resonate with your Audience: Phone calls can reveal your PPC keyword effectiveness online and offline while also showing what types of calls you’re receiving from PPC. It can be annoying to decipher the PPC calls and determine which calls were actually converted customers and which were simply customer service inquiries, but call analytics can provide this answer and help you determine which keywords are actually leading to conversions and which ones are only bringing unnecessary traffic.

2) How Well your Ads, Campaigns, and Channels are Working: Similar to the first insight, it can be hard to determine which clicks, traffic, and conversions are legitimate leads and which ones are superfluous data. Call analytics can help you learn not only the numbers on conversions and sales, but the “how” and “why” information behind them. 

3) It’s More Profitable to Optimize for Calls: If you could get less calls but with a higher conversion rate, would you do it? Absolutely! With call analytics, you can learn more from your customers about why certain marketing strategies worked and adjust your budget in order to focus on the driving channels and keywords. 

4) How to Optimize your Landing Pages to Drive More Revenue: Your landing pages are getting a lot of clicks and generating website traffic, so everything is great, right? It could be great, but it could also mean that you’re wasting money if these clicks aren’t leading to bigger things like conversions and sales. Checking the call analytics can reveal how much of an impact the call center is having on generating sales and could lead your company to adjust the landing pages to steer the engagement to your call center instead of the web form.

5) What Demographics you Should Target: The more customers call your company, the more information you get to determine the type of people most likely to convert to a customer or client. Once you know the gender, income, location, and various other demographic information of the people who convert, you can make a more focused, accurate, and effective marketing campaign. 

Tiffany goes on to explain the following five insights in her article. Please click here if you’d like to read about the remaining insights: 

6) When to Serve your Ads

7) Who your Most Valuable Prospects Are

8) How to Hone your Messaging

9) How to Fix Problems in your Call Center

10) How to Improve the Caller Experience

These ten insights can help you better understand both your call center and your marketing strategies. By examining call analytics, you can gain valuable insight into what’s working and not working in your marketing tactics. There’s no need to keep a barrier between your customer service team and your marketing team. The more they work together, the better ROI your company will receive. 

This blog post was based on an article from Business 2 Community. To read the original article, please click the link below:

10 Marketing Insights Hiding In Your Call Analytics – Amber Tiffany

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