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3 Tips To Gain ROI From Your AI Investments

A recent article by Vince Jeffs points out that, although it has great potential, artificial intelligence (AI) has yet to be utilized in a major way with the customer service industry. People are often skeptical of AI in terms of reliability and return on investment, and Jeffs states that people are justified in having that skepticism. He offers the following three tips to gain ROI from your AI investments.

1) Provide Predictions About Customer Intent

While companies have systems that gather extensive data about customers and their history with your company, they are only giving you a view of the past and not the future. Jeffs says that companies looking to invest in AI need to have a goal of using it to help predict customer needs and wants, and AI systems can lend insights based on your compiled data and use statistical methods to assist in predicting valuable information like churn likelihood, customer loyalty, price sensitivity, customer sentiment and reasons for calling, and a variety of other information.

2) Make Dynamic Suggestions To Better Serve The Customer

Use the AI to provide suggestions to agents and customers to ensure value by offering a smooth and engaging customer journey. AI systems can take information based on various purchases and customer experiences and help by suggesting future offers to customers, pre-emptive service actions for agents, and next necessary activities for sales employees. These suggestions keep everybody engaged in the customer journey to provide a quality experience.

3) Install A System That Learns In Real-Time

Trends and technology constantly evolve in most industries, including customer service. Updating your AI is just as important as upgrading other technology and strategies to fit evolving requirements. Jeffs recommends utilizing AI that has adaptive features that recommend updates in real-time to ensure constant, rapid improvement. This requires monitoring results and measuring ROI from the suggested updates.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the original article, please click the link below:

3 Tips to Drive Business Value with CX – Fortified with REAL AI – Vince Jeffs

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