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6 Elements to Effective Voice of Employee Programs

Many companies do their best to engage their employees and gather their feedback, but very few take action based on the feedback they receive. The article “What Employee Listening Efforts Can Learn from Voice of Customer Programs” by Aimee Lucas points out that employees are generally more productive at work when they feel their company listens and cares about what they think and utilizes their feedback to make a changes to how the company operates and does business. Lucas says companies can get value from employee feedback by using similar techniques of how voice of the customer programs are designed. The article gives the following six voice of the customer elements that can be used for designing voice of employee programs.

1) Detect: When figuring out how to start, the key is finding the right time and place to solicit employee feedback. In addition, Lucas says that it’s a good idea to survey employees from segments of the company as opposed to broadly surveying everybody within the company. This allow you to get feedback through in-person sessions like focus groups and interviews.

2) Disseminate: Once you have the feedback, the most important thing to ensure is to put it in the hands of the right people. This includes managers of the departments surveyed, for example. If the right people in decision-making roles have the feedback, it’s a lot easier to actually utilize the information to make real changes.

3) Diagnose: The feedback itself isn’t enough to give you all of the information you need. It will require further digging to get to the bottom of the concerns raised by employees. This means doing additional focus groups and studies before taking action.

4) Discuss: Departments often operate as separate entities within an organization, but employee feedback should be one of the topics where there are no barriers between departments. Lucas recommends gathering department heads from every internal silo to discuss employee feedback and determine how it could be affecting every department, not just the department in which the feedback was received.

5) Design: When it’s time to create new programs and strategies, the feedback should be utilized to build the design. You probably won’t be able to use every piece of input from the employees, but if you truly reflect on the feedback and use the ideas that can help your programs, the employees will feel like they have more of a say in the direction of the company and will be more like they are a part of a team.

6) Deploy: Once you implement the employee feedback into changes within the company, it’s necessary to keep an open ear to learn about how employees feel about the changes and what can be done differently. Like voice of customer programs, voice of employee programs need constant attention and tweaking to avoid becoming irrelevant and unsuccessful.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the original article, please click the link below:

What Employee Listening Efforts Can Learn from Voice of Customer Programs – Aimee Lucas

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