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3 Ways Modern Business Can Earn Loyal Customers

In a recent article, Ajay Paghdal discusses how large and small companies do everything they can to grow, which sometimes leads to them going into debt. Paghdal says that a big way companies can build sustainable growth without going into debt is by cultivating customer loyalty. The article gives three ways modern businesses have been gaining loyal customers.

1) Understand Your Clients’ Minds: Learning and understanding your customers’ perspective of your company and gaining insight into their wants and needs can give you an advantage over competitors. Paghdal says that one way to develop this understanding is by reviewing a competitor’s website and writing down what you do and don’t like. By doing this, you become part of your demographic and can help determine how others might feel as well, especially if you have multiple people within your company doing the same thing. If you want to go beyond your own staff, focus groups can be a great way to gain insight from real customers. 

2) Provide the Human Touch: The modern era has seen the rise of digital channels and self-help customer service. There are a lot of expectations that customers want to do things on their own without interacting with a company representative, as mobile phones and the internet are so easily accessible. As a result of the digital age, much of the modern customer service is being automated. However, customer experiences may suffer as a result of losing the human touch in customer service. While you cannot ignore the evolution of technology and its necessity in every industry, it’s crucial that you always keep a human element to your customer service to make a real connection with your customers. People want to feel like they’re appreciated and a part of your company, and delivering actual humanity and empathy is a great way to meet that expectation.

3) Anticipate Client Needs: Back to automation and digital necessity, a great way to foster customer loyalty is by using analytics and automation to predict your customers’ needs and offer them products and services before they even know they need them. With modern software, it’s possible to take information you receive from customers and develop automation that sends them coupons and product offers at the right time when they might need to make another purchase. As far as in-person customer service, the right training can go a long way. Paghdal uses an example of a hotel staff being trained to anticipate clients’ needs and offer them solutions before they even have a problem and by offering services that assist with common needs (e.g., offering free transportation services to local attractions). If your staff is trained to listen to customers and anticipate their needs, the customers will be more likely to come back to your company over your competitors.

Overall, if your customers are satisfied, they’re more likely to be loyal to your company. To achieve consistent customer satisfaction, companies need to fully understand their customers’ perspective and build upon that knowledge. While technology and trends are constantly evolving, empathy and understanding of your customers will always go a long way when cultivating customer loyalty. 

This blog post was based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the original article, please click the link below: 

Evolving Customer Loyalty Trends Help Facilitate Sustainable Growth – Ajay Paghdal

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