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At-Home Agents Solution Gaining Popularity

With news that the United States is making a comeback when it comes to the call center, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that those call centers are looking for new ways to stay at the top of the heap. InContact recently wrote an article on one of the ways the U.S. is starting to return as a major competitor in the call center industry. A summary of that article is below:

One of the ways U.S. call centers are trying to stay on top, and a way centers all over the world are starting to embrace, is a work-from-home solution. All around the world, one report after another is indicating that work-from-home solutions that are compatible with call centers are changing the market.

Among the companies that have embraced work-from-home call center workers is COLA, a non-profit company that offers accreditation, consulting and education services to clinical labs. The company has actually made the transition that allows its entire call center staff to work from home. In total, COLA had 80 employees working this way, while they normally would have been working out of its Columbia, MO, headquarters. The company had to undergo a renovation and decided to take on the period of time as a kind of pilot project.

While there was originally some trepidation about running the entire call center from the homes of the employees, those fears ended up being unfounded. “There are so many solutions available today that lock down equipment, applications, and data, and even monitor employee navigation during the course of the day,” Michele Rowan, president of Customer Contact Strategies, a consulting, training, and research firm said, according to “Security is no longer a barrier to entry in the work-at-home [area] for contact centers. It’s purely a matter of choosing the strategies and technologies that meet individual business objectives.”

The software that is out there now is one that allows employees to stay in contact with their company on a daily basis. There is no worry about secure software nor is there any kind of worry about connection problems when talking about the newest technology. In general, it seems as if work-from-home call center solutions are the wave of the future.

Interested in using at-home agents? Outsource Consultants has the resources to help you find the best-fit solution!

Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience that have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.