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2 Ways to Boost Call Center Agent Energy and Enthusiasm

In a recent article, Daniela Puzzo discusses the importance of call center agent training (both initial and ongoing). However, she takes a unique approach to the concept by offering fun and unique methods of training that can break the grind of call center life and help engage agents. The following are her four fun and easy strategies to train call center agents:

  • Incorporate exercise breaks into the daily breaks.
  • Infuse music into the training regiment in some way.
  • Utilize rewards and incentives, including badges and certificates after certain training modules. Friendly competitions are also a solid plan.
  • Add role-playing techniques into the existing strategies.

Puzzo goes into detail on each of these fun methods of improving call center agent training. You can read more about them in her original article.

2 Ways to Boost Call Center Agent Energy and Enthusiasm

Puzzo’s article provides some unique perspective into lightening up the mundane call center agent training cycle. The two strategies we found most interesting in the article were exercise and music. The following are our thoughts on how call centers can use music and exercise to help boost the energy and enthusiasm of their agents.

  • Music: As Puzzo pointed out in her article, music can often help people feel empathy. Allowing agents to listen to music during their shift or even playing certain kinds of music lightly in the call center can help facilitate emotional responses during calls. Music can also relax people, and relaxation is often a major challenge in a hectic call center environment. When it comes to training, music can be a great way to help people memorize learning material and then help people jog their memory for recall purposes after training ends.
  • Exercise: Here’s a personal story related to this concept. One of our colleagues on staff at OC decided to start standing at his desk in addition to sitting. The change of pace mixed with the movement that accommodates standing at a desk helped invigorate the colleague and allowed for more active thinking. In the same way, having “exercise” breaks (going for walks around the office/building floor, stretching, etc.) can help break up the monotony of a day for call center agents and also help keep provide opportunity to revitalize themselves and mentally prepare for the next portion of the work day.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the original article, please click the link below:

Unusual Tips for Training Contact Center Agents – Daniela Puzzo

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