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3 Ways Customer Experience Benefits Brands

Customer experience is not a trend; it’s the driving force of every brand. In her recent article, “3 Ways CX Can Make 2017 the Finest Year Yet for Your Brand”, Nancy Porte discusses the significance of customer experience. Customers are loyal to companies that not only deliver on their promises for their service or product quality, but their perception of companies depends highly on the customer experience. It’s crucial for companies to deliver on the brand expectations they set for their customers, and one way to do that is to recognize how important customer experience is to their success. Porte’s article offers the following three ways customer experience benefits brands and how to approach them in your yearly planning.

1) Customer Experience Supports the Brand: Every brand has a purpose beyond making money; they have something of value to provide to their customers or clients. Customer experience is the execution of the promises your brand makes to your customers. Your agents who provide the customer service are often the only point of contact customers have with your company. If you gather information from customers about what they actually want from your company, you can build that information into the agent training so they can deliver the desired information for a better overall customer experience.

2) Customer Experience Helps Evolve the Brand: When a customer experience program is in place, it benefits more than just the customers. If the program is monitored and data is tracked consistently, customer experience programs can benefit other departments within the company, including brand-focused departments like marketing and operations. The information you learn about your customers can be used to create new strategies in your other departments to ensure your brand is promising the best things to your customers.

3) Customer Experience Drives the Brand: Whether customer experience programs were being utilized by companies or not, Porte says that customer experience has always played a role in a brand’s success. Companies have always made promises about their products and services, and how they deliver upon those promises is part of what keeps customers coming back. But these promises don’t mean anything if the customer experience is terrible. It’s important to make sure you’re constantly evolving your customer experience program to reflect the times and support the customers up to their standards.

A company’s goal should always be to understand fully their company promise and to have the self-awareness and insight to know if they have the means to deliver upon that promise. Companies can market themselves and preach what they want people to think of them, but ultimately, it’s the customers’ opinions that truly matter and have the final say on brands. If companies embrace customer experience programs as a driving force behind the entire brand’s success, they’ll be more prosperous in the future.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the original article, please click the link below:

3 Ways CX Can Make 2017 the Finest Year Yet for Your Brand – Nancy Porte

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