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Languages available in Jamaican call centers: English • And more!

Call Centers in Jamaica

Are you looking for an outsource call center in Jamaica?

Let us simplify your search and help you find a BPO partner that will improve your customer service and save you up to 50%. We’ll find you a pre-screened, heavily vetted Jamaican outsource contact center that matches your exact specifications, and we’ll do it at no cost to you.

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Benefits of Jamaican Call Centers

  • Highly-skilled, English-speaking agents
  • World-leading customer service
  • Strong cultural ties to the U.S.
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Outsource Call Centers

Jamaican Call Centers

As a leader in the Caribbean region for business process outsourcing (BPO) investment, Jamaica is an ideal location for organizations seeking a nearshore partner.

Known worldwide for its exemplary tourism sector, Jamaica is extending the relaxing destination as a corporate-minded location for BPO investment. You would be hard-pressed to find objections to putting down call center roots in the beautiful island nation — and with ease of access to markets in the U.S. and Canada, plus traditional outsourcing cost savings, business leaders don’t have to forego convenience for the privilege of a paradisiacal backdrop. And with many direct flights from cities like Miami, Houston, or New York in less than four hours, Jamaica is a call center location that can be easily supervised abroad.

Outsource Call Center Industry

The Call Center Industry in Jamaica

Jamaica has made a concerted effort to create an economic environment that can nurture the call center industry and help flourish nearshore growth. By continually incentivizing outside investment, Jamaica has signaled a long-term commitment to support BPO operations.

Jamaica offers a diverse and modernized transportation system, with ample electrical and telecommunication infrastructures forged by the bustling tourism sector. In an effort to lower the cost to access these benefits, Jamaica has shepherded a decade-long effort to deregulate its industries for lower costs to nearshore investors.

Seen as an emerging marketplace for call center operations, Jamaica boasts an unbridled, free-market economy that will continue to attract call center organizations.

Jamaica Call Center Agent

The Call Center Workforce in Jamaica

Jamaica offers a highly affable talent pool, supported by skilled call center agents with direct customer service experience from previous roles in the tourism and hospitality sectors.

As the third-largest English-speaking country in the Western Hemisphere, the island nation also offers a diverse population of highly-fluent English speakers. Other languages, such as Spanish and French, are also quite common for Jamaican residents.

True to reputation, few countries can offer nearshore contact center agents as well equipped to deal with the demands of customer challenges in real-time, offering expedient and highly-satisfactory resolutions to customer engagements.

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History of Call Centers in Jamaica

Under Prime Minister Edward Seaga, Jamaica became an early adopter in the world of outsourcing in 1988. By teaming up with big-name telecommunication companies, Seaga helped to create The Jamaica Digiport International Limited, as well as the massive telecommunication satellite dishes.1 These efforts helped to draw BPO opportunities to the country.

Although outsource call centers existed in Jamaica for the following 20 years, they often experienced a delay when communicating over the phone with customers outside of the country. With the advent of fibre optic communications in 2000 came a solution to this issue, allowing the call center industry to flourish in Jamaica.1

In 2018, Kingston, Jamaica received “Nearshore City of the Year” at the Nexus Illuminate Awards, highlighting the city’s drive to remain a competitive option for foreign investors.2

Two years later, the Jamaican government began The Global Sector Services Apprenticeship Programme which offers 12 months of training, developed in partnership with BPOs and the Jamaican government, to help Jamaican citizens gain relevant call center skills and education.3


Prime Minister Edward Seaga teamed up with big-name telecommunication providers to create The Jamaica Digiport International Limited, which included the installation of massive telecommunication satellite dishes to draw BPO opportunities.


After witnessing the advent of fibre optic communications in the United States, companies began lobbying for and implementing improved voice services in Jamaica, allowing for the expansion of the call center industry.


Kingston, Jamaica wins “Nearshore City of the Year” at the Nexus Illuminate Awards.


The Global Sector Services (GSS) Apprenticeship Programme was launched, offering 12-month training to help Jamaican citizens gain BPO management skills and education.

Quick Facts: Jamaican Outsourcing

Average Cost Savings 50%
Market Maturity Established
Regions Nearshore, Caribbean
Population 2,961,167
Area 4,244 sq. miles

Major Outsourcing Cities in Jamaica

City Current Local Time Flight Times
San Francisco Chicago New York
Kingston06h 38m04h 02m03h 39m
Montego Bay06h 29m03h 55m03h 36m
Sandy Bay06h 28m03h 55m03h 36m

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