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5 VoC Trends That Turn Customer Feedback Into Company Action

Voice of Customer (VoC) initiatives are strongly recommended and utilized at most, if not all, companies. Companies often send out customer surveys in hopes of gaining insights form their feedback. In his recent article, Bob Thompson says that in addition to listening, companies need to take action on the things they learn. However, there are often hurdles in taking the valuable feedback given from customers and actually using it to take action that will deliver positive results. Fortunately, VoC feedback technology has come a long way in the past twenty years and there are solutions to the gap between listening to feedback and acting on it. The article gives the following five VoC trends that help to integrate sources to make better feedback views and close the loop between customer feedback and action.

1) Many companies in the VoC industry been consolidated and converged within the last decade. Basically, VoC software programs are heading towards having firm integrations with CRMs as long as major companies keep obtaining them.

2) VoC platforms are utilizing multiple channels to monitor customer feedback. Thompson says this includes, recipt-based codes, text messages, social media, and call center agent feedback. All of these channels are integrated with the companies’ CRM systems and strong data analytics platforms.

3) Companies are using triangulation software solutions to gather the VoC feedback data from multiple sources and bring them together. Some of the software solutions perform tasks that include merging survey feedback and web analytics, using social media complaints to create appropriate complementary emails, and dashboards that bring all your channels into one location. Basically, these technologies help integrate all feedback channels in an effort to perform actions that meet customer expectations.

4) Companies are currently using software to create automated workflows based on survey results and other feedback channels to give employees reminders on recommended actions that need to be taken with VoC initiatives. Thompson foresees workflow based action management software using predictive analytics to make recommended actions for customers without the need to wait on survey results.

5) Sophisticated VoC systems will be more easily available to small businesses as opposed to being only affordable to large enterprises. Thompson says that instead of having to piece together a VoC system with a multitude of independent software, small companies have solutions available to them with everything they need and at a variety of affordable payment packages.

Thompson recommends using the technology to help your decisions instead of getting fixated and lost in the volume of data. In addition, it’s important to look beyond strictly using survey feedback to take action and use other channels such as social media and other online hubs. Finally, integration between software platforms are important, but it’s even more important that departments are working together if the company wants to meet a goal of improving the customer journey.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the original article, please click the link below:

Voice of Customer Industry Trends: Consolidation, Disruption, and the Rise of Real-Time Action – Bob Thompson

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